
Trump Tape Outrage Reminds Us Not All Women Are Equal

The GOP party is rushing to make amends after an audio clip of Donald Trump, originally released by The Washington Post, revealed the candidate boasting about aggressively kissing, groping, and making unwanted sexual advances toward women in lewd terms that bordered on sexual assault. It’s 2005. Donald Trump and Billy Bush, then from “Access of…


Muslims and X-Men: Why Trump Calling Out Non-Christians Is Terrifying

Note: It’s important to clarify that the author equates minority groups and political figures in order to engage discourse that is meant to enlighten from an alternative perspective. Systematic oppression is, in reality, a complicated issue. As such, it cannot entirely be equated fully when working with varying factors in individual oppressed groups. We feel it is important to…


How Ghazala Khan Proves Trump DGAF About Muslim Women

Donald Trump doesn’t give a damn about Muslim women. I demand The Donald to not feign any interest in the status of Muslim women after he has spent an entire year trying to convince the country that we should ban Muslims from entering the United States. He has played one of the most pivotal roles…

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WTF: Newt Gingrich Wants to Surveil, Test, and Deport Muslims

Following yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Nice, France, Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity, calling for more surveillance against American Muslims, and saying that any Muslim who believes in Sharia law should be required to leave the country, and deported. “Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here…


Replace TSA’s “Heebeejabis” With Veterans, Says Trump Supporter

A woman at a New Hampshire event asked Trump why the U.S. doesn’t replace TSA “heebeejabis” with veterans. “Heebeejabis” is a new word for hijab that she made up. I love it. “Why aren’t we putting our retiree — military retirees on that border, or in TSA? Get rid of all these ‘heebeejabis’ they wear at TSA. I’ve…

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Let’s Tell Ludacris Why He Shouldn’t Perform at Guantanamo Bay

Within the last twenty-four hours, The Independent broke the news that the Grammy winning actor/rapper Ludacris will be performing at the controversial Guantanamo Bay military for their Fourth of July festivities. He’s slated to headline their “Freedom Festival,” where he’ll perform for a crowd of about 6,000 military personnel. >WHILE WE RESPECT AND APPRECIATE OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL AND…


New York City’s MTA Bans Subway Ads Normalizing Muslims

The Muslims are coming, and we live amongst you, and want to be able to express ourselves without having our First Amendment rights infringed upon…just an FYI. In New York City, over five million people take the subway every single day, and advertisements plastered on the walls, and in the subway are an integral part…


14 Things Muslims Get Tired of Hearing During Ramadan

Now that we’re well into Ramadan, chances are we’ve all been relentlessly hit with the same tireless questions and comments that we’re just tired of hearing. In no particular order, here’s a quick list of things Muslims get tired of hearing during Ramadan, strictly for bants.  🙂 “….not even water?”   “….so, like, you don’t…


Governor Cuomo: “If You Boycott Against Israel, NY Will Boycott You.”

On Sunday morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order that will halt New York’s business with groups that support the BDS movement against Israel…right before he marched in the “Celebrate Israel” parade. The BDS movement calls for the boycott, divestment, and sanctioning of companies and products that profit from violating Palestinian human rights. In…


Is Iran Accusing Kim Kardashian of Being a Secret Agent?

Iran has recently stepped up their culture cop game, sending bunches of undercover police into communities to enforce modest behavior, like the country’s dress code, which includes mandatory hijab for women. The agency tasked with policing domestic culture and thwarting the influence of other nations–particularly Western influence–is the Revolutionary Guards Corp, and they’ve recently named an unlikely…