
Dear Arab Sisters: Our Current Understanding of Sex Limits Us

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are those of the author.  Author’s note: This letter is a brief introduction to my analysis of how sexuality is represented in Arab culture. It is meant to serve as a conversation starter. I want to emphasize my letter regards the sexual repression of Arab women in Arab culture. This is not…


The Sexual (Mis)Education of a Muslim Girl

One of my earliest memories was of mama pulling me behind a curtain so that I could change my soiled tights. I was very young and bewildered as to why I couldn’t just make the clothing swap in the living room so I wouldn’t miss out on the Pokemon episode I was watching with my…


Wait, So Muslims Can’t Have Sex During Ramadan?

Oh, boy. So, here’s the short answer: Yes, we can be intimate with our spouses in Ramadan. No, not all the time. Many people ask what is prohibited for us during the time of Ramadan. The fact of the matter is, we must abstain from acts such as sexual relations, eating, and drinking from dawn…


Here’s Why It’s Never Too Early to Have “The Talk” With Your Kids

In the second article of this 4-part mini-series, Florida-based superwoman Nida Siddiq narrates a no holds barred chat about challenging taboos when it comes to her young kids. A few days ago, my daughter brought home the family life/human sexuality consent form from school. I didn’t hesitate to give my consent for her to take the class….


We Tried Muslim Dating Apps so You Don’t Have To

With “spoopy” season coming to a close, we’re quickly approaching the greatest time of year for rishtay wali aunties, or match-making aunties: cuffing season. If you’re a woman in your twenties, this might be year round for y’all. You’ll get stopped at random dinner parties and questioned about your life plans by aunties you’ve never…


This is Why We Don’t Have to Subscribe to Sexual Extremes

Being a Muslim-American, just like being a part of any minority community, comes with its own set of unique experiences and expectations. The aspects of the Muslim-American experience that I don’t think are discussed nearly enough, considering just how much they affect our daily lives, are the warring sexual extremes that actively define Muslim and…


Talking to Your Children About Bodies, Gender, and Transgender Identities 

New York, NY — Planned Parenthood Federation of America has launched the first set of videos in a new series for parents, and caregivers on how to talk about topics related to bodies, sex, and relationships in developmentally appropriate ways with preschool, elementary, and middle school-aged children. The first three videos, which were released this week, are for parents and caregivers…


How to Support Survivors of Sexual Assault

Statement courtesy of the PLANNED PARENTHOOD FEDERATION OF AMERICA:                                   NEW YORK, NY— The public discourse around the accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has included troubling, harmful rhetoric and misinformation about sexual assault and survivors…


Is Dating as a Muslim Ever Okay?

“If people realize that dating is simply a normal thing that has been around for centuries everywhere, that you don’t need to learn it from movies, then people start to see it as something independent of physical [acts]. Physical relations are simply a choice.” -Taimur Ali, senior at Georgetown University’s Qatar campus I would have to agree with…


I Can’t Fix My Marriage and It’s Not My Fault

Trigger warning:  This article contains descriptors of domestic violence. Divorce sucks. No one gets married thinking they are going to get divorced. When you are picking out your wedding outfits, and getting frustrated by the annoying WhatsApp back and forth for color swatches, you are thinking about how each part of your wedding is laying down…