
Netanyahu and the Republican Party: A Match Made in Hell

My two most favorite people in the world have joined hands in an international play of favors: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and our very own Senator John Boehner of the Republican Party. Just weeks before Israeli elections, Netanyahu will speak to Congress in Capitol Hill, undermining President Obama’s policy in his recent nuclear negotiations…


Week of 2/22/15: Obama Has Been Secretly Muslim All This Time

#MuslimGirlProbs is our weekly link roundup of headlines, stories, events, and situations that make us want to rip our hijabs off.  It is becoming increasingly harder to tell the difference between satire and actual news when it comes to Muslims. To quote Margari Hill in our State of the Muslim Union discussion last night, “we…


#HistoricPOC: A Twitter Memorial

Happy Black History Month to proudly black men and women and children around the globe, and everyone out there that has faced hardships because of the color of their skin. This month is all yours. And to celebrate, we are bringing the 40 best #HistoricPOC tweets, a hashtag launched by @Karnythia, to light. Enjoy, have fun,…


LOL. Look Who’s Leading France’s Free Speech Rally for Charlie Hebdo.

France held a historic rally on Sunday, in which an unprecedented 3 million people took to the streets to advocate for freedom of speech and honor the 17 murdered in the deadly Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. Unfortunately, the powerful message behind the French rally was clouded by an immense fog of hypocrisy. France itself…


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 9 Moments We Were Completely #TeamRBG

The Queen of Democracy, five-foot one OG baddie Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, was hospitalized last week. This lady quite literally slays and we really hope she gets better soon. So, in her honor, here are 10 of RBG’s baddest moments. 1. When RBG elegantly, masterfully, and publicly expressed all the best emotions to the Supreme Court’s mansplaining bull***t….


Dear President Erdogan: You’re the One Who Doesn’t Get It

Dear President Erdogan, Have you ever heard the story of Shajar al-Durr? The “gentle lady” widow declared Sultana of Egypt in the 13th century. The “fragile” woman who, almost single-handedly, terminated the Seventh Crusade. The “dainty” leader who orchestrated the capture of King Louis IX of France. The “delicate” politician who fiercely negotiated with the French, regained…

Features Videos

This Woman Tackles Iranian Law By Dancing

Throughout history, people have come up with the most creative ways to defy outrageous laws in their countries. There are those that stand in unison, blocking major highways and causing a public fuss. There are those that paint messages on walls, forcing everyone’s attention. There are those that record themselves rebelling, and upload it on…


Is This What Religious Icons Would Look Like in 2014? [PHOTOS]

Dina Goldstein’s latest project involves deities, actors, the green-screen and a whole lot of makeup. This Canadian artist set out with a controversial idea in mind: bringing religious characters to life behind the camera. The pop surrealism emphasizes a plethora of color, emotion, and blatant modernism to accentuate the theme Goldstein had in mind: A…