sisters women history month

An Open Letter to My Sisters During Women’s History Month

Dear Women,

In a society dominated by men that we gave birth to, let this month the one to remind them that we are their equal. If you have ever forgotten your significance in society, this is a reminder that without you, men would not be where or who they are. We are slowly, but surely rightfully getting what we deserve, but here is how to speed up the process.

First, ask yourself a very important question that Chief Operating Officer of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg asks her readers in her book “Lean In.” What would you do if you weren’t afraid? And then do it! This is how you shatter glass ceilings and claim the recognition that you rightfully deserve for your significant contributions. Many of us may work for corporate companies that require sitting in on meetings that are mostly dominated by our male superior counterparts. Today, I dare you to sit in and contribute to the process. Why? Because even Sandberg adamantly believes that, “Fortune does favor the bold and you’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try.”

Women’s History Month comes only once a year, and the other 11 months are unfortunately the months where our significant contributions go under the radar and we must scream to be heard.

I’m not going to lie to you; This isn’t easy. Something you may be concerned about and very aware of is the stigma associated with a woman speaking her mind compared to a man. It’s not favored upon, but you should not care because “success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively for women. When a man is successful, he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less,” Sandberg said.

Find the courage in yourself to be a “Lorax” and speak for the other trees that have no tongues. Alice Paul did it in 1910, and that is why in the past election your vote counted.

The system was not built for you to have a place in it, so you must go out there and seize it yourself!

“A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes,” Sandberg said. Maybe you can relate to her fantasy of an ideal world. See, Women’s History Month comes only once a year, and the other 11 months are unfortunately the months where our significant contributions go under the radar and we must scream to be heard.

The system was not built for you to have a place in it, so you must go out there and seize it yourself! You won’t get this kind of pep talk often, so it is up to you to constantly remind yourself that you are equal to any man and that your contributions are just as important.  Yes, “we must raise both the ceiling and the floor.”


Muslim Girl