
Did 9/11 Change Your Life, Too?

Today is September 11th 2015 – 14 years since the tragic attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center. Today not only changed the lives of every American citizen – whether or not they were personally affected by losing a loved one – but it changed the life of every Muslim around the world. We asked…

Image via New York Times

Muslim Teens Aren’t a Spectacle for Your Creepy Photo Series

Picture this: an adult woman drives to a secluded area late at night. She parks her car, grabs her camera and waits. She waits until a young couple, under the assumption that they are alone, walks into the secluded area and engages in some intimate activity. While this private moment is happening the woman in…


Week of 5/31/15: Muslim Woman Forced To Remove Hijab After Arrest

#MuslimGirlProbs is our weekly link roundup of headlines, stories, events, and situations that make us want to rip our hijabs off. This lot of headlines is particularly blood-boiling. Enjoy. Week of 5/31/15: If you haven’t heard about Tahera Ahmad and her soda can, you probably haven’t been on any social media lately. Apparently, a United…


#NotMyAmerica: How the Arizona Rally Has Backfired

My social media feed erupted last night with news of the anti-Islam Phoenix mosque rally. Pictures of gun-toting white men, angry supremacists, and hate-filled bloggers encouraging them behind the scenes combined in a depressing cacophony of pointed fingers and misplaced rage. And what’s worse is the frightening media coverage that always seems to have the…


#FreeNimr: Speak Out Against Injustice

Six months ago, Shia cleric Nimr Baqir al-Nimr was sentenced to death for calling for peaceful protests against the persecution of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia. Rightful outrage led to the organization of a Twitter storm. People from across the globe called for the release of Sheikh Nimr using the hashtag #FreeNimr. Here are some highlights:…


Disney’s First African Princess Will Be… White?

Disney finally decided to get its act together and introduce an African princess, but she will be… a white American? The announcement of the storyline for The Princess of North Sudan was met with heavy criticism online and in mass media. The story is said to be based on an American father who wanted to make his…


Why I Don’t Trust ABC with Our First Primetime Hijabi

The television gods have opened their gates and now rain a blessing down upon us. ABC’s new show Quantico not only contains a Bollywood princess as a cast member, but an actual hijabi character as well. Yasmin Al Massri plays Nimah Anwar who is one of several new recruits at Quantico which houses the FBI Academy….


Know Justice, Know Peace

We have become used to adding names to the list of slain Black brethren and mostly expect our cries for reform and justice to be ignored. We do not expect indictments for murders. We just hope to make enough noise so that someone, somewhere, hears our cries. So when our calls for justice are actually…

Videos Issues

Pam Geller Wanted Us to Draw Muhammad. So We Did. [VIDEO]

Pam Geller doesn’t know much about Islam or Muslims, that much is clear. What she does know, however, is how to rally the troops to incite racism. From funding Islamophobic bus ads to maximizing offensive Muslim stereotypes, it’s clear that there’s only one thing on her agenda — and that’s hate. In response to the…


The Growing Litany of Victims of Police Brutality

In the last year we have been inundated with media coverage on police brutality; particularly police brutality against the Black and transgender community. A handful of names have made it into the collective conscious, but they are representative of thousands of lives that have been extinguished by what is essentially discriminatory state-sanctioned violence. These deaths…