
It’s Time To Set Boundaries With Your Mother-In-Law

In relationships, the connection between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like a particular thread, uniting two families for a lifetime. The saying aptly states, “The bond between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is a bridge that, when built with understanding and kindness, connects two families for a lifetime.” It’s a connection that mirrors a path of…


Did the Pandemic Impact the Age of Marriage Among Muslims?

Marriage in one’s 30s was once considered a trend, as women were encouraged to establish their careers and explore personal growth during their 20s, only contemplating settling down with a partner later. However, a shift occurred, notably accentuated by the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. People found themselves confined within their own spaces, cut off…

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This Is What It Looks Like for a Divorced Muslim Woman

Being a divorced Muslim woman has become more acceptable in our community. In fact, nearly a decade ago, it was complicated and not very common – but nowadays, more people are becoming outspoken about their unhappiness. Having said that, the taboo around divorce still exists, and more so for Muslim women than men. Even after…

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Is the Nikkah Basically a Socially Fake Marriage?

By definition, a Nikkah is an Islamic contract between two people consenting to marriage. Growing up in the fast-paced world of America, I realized that there are many difficulties when coming to terms with practicing Islam and trying to “fit in” with the crowd. Having a boyfriend, going out on dates, and having your first…

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Can Muslim Women Marry Non-Muslim Men?

Disclaimer: The views or opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of the writer or Muslim Girl’s editors. It is not intended to be used for a substitute of Islamic jurisprudence. “Can Muslim Women marry outside of their religion?” The belief that Muslim Women marrying someone outside of Islam is forbidden (haram)…

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

Can I Ask My Fiancé for a Medical Test Before Marriage?

Finding a life partner for marriage is dependent on so many things. Some people look for status, while others look for wealth. Some put faith first, while others consider looks. One important factor that every person should take into account is health, along with conditions that their potential partner may be susceptible to from genetic…

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The Pre-marital Checklist Every Muslim Woman Needs

As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, or at the very least, recognize others who may be celebrating today, you may be wondering about your own love life. Maybe you are interested in someone or talking to someone in hopes of a future with them. Before you move too fast, there are a lot of steps to…

Photo courtesy of Dr. Aneesah Nadir

Meet Dr. Aneesah Nadir, Author of “Before the Nikah”

Recently, Dr. Aneesah Nadir released a book on marriage preparation that is indispensable for single Muslims or even friends of single Muslims.  Dr. Aneesah is a pioneer in the field of Muslim mental health. She taught social work at the university level for decades, long before psychology became a hot topic among Muslims.  Her work has…


This Is What You Absolutely Need to Know Before You Get Married

Marriage is a time that many look forward to. Often, couples will plan everything to the last detail: invitations, music playlists, seating arrangements, food menus, floral arrangements, and every other conceivable detail. However, sometimes despite the best of foresight and planning, one of the most important aspects of the union is overlooked: the marriage contract,…


A Poem About Marriage: The New Bride

Dolkis, ghajaras, yellow and pink dust in the air, Laughter of mothers and aunts, cousins and nieces.   A glimpse of happiness, Turns to sudden fears of the unknown.   Decorated eyes looking up in desperation, The green glitter is dim but still shines.   Torn and beaten with age, you can still make out…


This Is Why Marriage Is a Leap of Faith

It’s 2017, and my cousin recently got engaged. Beaming, she shows me the gifts she received from the groom’s side of the family at the engagement ceremony: sky-high stilettos, a Western-style diamond pendant and matching earrings, a Ted Baker makeup bag — exotic luxuries for a young girl raised in a mid-size city in north…

MG Anonymous

Why I’ve Been Praying in My Boyfriend’s Bedroom

As my boyfriend went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for the night, I quickly pulled a hoodie over my bare head and began to pray as fast as I could. With each prostration, I found myself begging for forgiveness. I hated the days he would come back faster than I…


This Is For Anyone Who’s Being Fat Shamed Right Now

It’s a funny thing. With social distancing abound, I’m seeing an intense influx of accounts where young women have been bullied and abused by their near and “dear” over their weight. Truly, the volume has been overwhelming. I’m not here to offer any solutions. God knows, I’m not qualified to do so. But I do…