
How to Mix up Your #OOTDs With Neutrals

I am border-line obsessed with the color grey. It’s my favorite neutral. However, this season — I’ve decided to add another neutral to my grey obsession and I can’t get enough. What neutral am I talking about? Camel. As I’ve lived in New York City for a few years now, I’ve learned to look for pieces that…


Shabby Chic

Hey ya’ll, Happy September! As we prepare for fall (yes, already), I have to start reminding myself of “layers, layers, layers,” early on . For some reason, I’ve convinced myself that layering clothes transforms your outfit from “lazy” into  “shabby chic”– whatever that means. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I tend to just…


Dad Bods = Hot?

The public is slowly shifting away from ripped abs and healthy physiques to ones that remind you of Homer Simpson on his couch. The beauty standard for male celebrities is always pretty straightforward — six-pack abs, lean, muscular, chiseled. No wonder “GET ROCK HARD ABS IN 5 MINUTES” is a headling in every single Men’s…