
Guys and Friendships

Recently I have been asked numerous questions about maintaining friendships with guys while also staying true to your faith. This area is always seen in either a black or white light, however, it does not need to be. In today’s society, it is more common to be a part of a group that consists of…


Muslims: A Matter of Perception

I just finished reading a string of comments claiming one after another how the “majority ‘Moderate Muslim’ population” is not doing anything to denounce the radical Muslims which means that they are, in actuality, in agreement with their actions.  It all stemmed from a rather pleasant read from the CNN article which was stating that…


Work, Assignments, and… Wait, it’s Ramadan?

Are you feeling a little distant this first week of Ramadan?  Do you feel as if you have not accomplished much during the blessed month?  Without doubt, I can assure you that you are not the only one.  Sometimes we have programmed ourselves in the first few days to merely fast and then break it…


A Child’s Innocence

This topic came to my mind when I was out with my 8 year-old sister. We had decided to go to the beach one evening just to spend time together. It’s amazing how little kids’ minds seem to work and how easily influenced they become by their surroundings. I was curious to know a few…