
10 Things Not to Say to Someone With Anxiety

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) tends to be more than the normal level of anxiety we all experience on a daily basis. It is chronic and includes experiencing severe worry and tension, often without provocation or warning. Generalised anxiety involves anticipating disaster, often worrying excessively about work, health, family, or money. At times it can be…


Muslim Women Facing Islamophobia Challenge the ‘Victim’ Stereotype

Islamophobia is real and it is becoming a global issue affecting Muslims regardless of ethnicity, age, profession and social standing.  In the UK, anti-Muslim hate crimes have increased fivefold after the terror attacks in Manchester and London, and in the U.S. the number of hate groups that specifically targeted Muslims rose from 34 in 2015 to…


#HalalPaint is Coming to the UK

If you haven’t already heard about MuslimGirl.com’s collaboration with ORLY to create the #HalalPaint collection, let me fill you in — it’s a nail varnish that is vegan, cruelty free and made from 100 percent halal ingredients that includes argan oil and vitamin C. And the best part: the lacquer is permeable to water and air……

Issues Lifestyle

Remembering the Slain Bosnian Muslims: 22 Years Later

It’s the 22nd annual Memorial day for the genocide in Srebrenica this year on July 11. Last year Shahina Khatun, a journalist and presenter for Islam Channel U.K., made the incredible journey to Bosnia to learn more about the events of this not-too-distant history. What were your first impressions of Bosnia? Bosnia is a striking…


Your Guide to What Went Down in the U.K. Elections

The U.K.’s Prime Minister Theresa May has suffered an embarrassing onslaught at the historic general election this week, and I’m not talking about the 249 votes won by Lord Buckethead. Clearly expecting this election to be a “slam dunk” for the conservatives, May has had to face the fact that her decision to hold a…


We Asked You to Share Your Fave Ramadan Stories!

We asked the public to share their most memorable Ramadan stories. Their answers will nourish your water-deprived hearts!   1. The Bee Whisperer “I enjoyed today. I went to the park with a bestie and we sat and did some dhikr. There were loads of bees collecting nectar nearby so we read Surah Al Nahl….


Poem: The Sea Less Enjoyed

One night we drove to Ogmore. The sea was in a foul mood but we were invited and my sister and I, full of half-Arab etiquette, don’t like to reject an invitation. So we jumped. Into a sea less enjoyed. The sea covered our covered bodies, exploring the curves of our womanhood. I willed her…


While the EU Rules on Workplace Ban for Religious Symbols, What’s Next?

On March 14, the European Court of Justice ruled that workplace bans on political, philosophical or religious symbols are not discriminatory, allowing the headscarf to be subject to removal. The bans will not constitute “direct discrimination” if a firm has an internal rule banning the wearing of “any political, philosophical or religious sign.” I remember…


For Women’s History Month: The Womb

The womb. A charged notion Saturated with definitions like layers of old stamps, licked and impressed by thumbs of the past. A doorway to life blessed with blood and pain: The womb has endured a lifetime of oppression- It’s meaning dissected and dictated – why is life in the hands of the “weaker sex?” The…

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Muslim Women Need To Stop Tearing Each Other Down

The past week has been an emotional roller coaster for me. Nothing in particular has happened in my personal life, but I’m hurting. I’m hurting for my Muslim sisters out there who are brave enough to poke their heads up above the crowd and, as a consequence, get spat in the face. This in itself…


BBC’s Real Housewives of ISIS Show Sparks Outrage

This week a teaser trailer for BBC Two’s new satirical show Revolting has spread like wildfire across social media.  The clip introduces a new parody of the Real Housewives franchise: The Real Housewives of ISIS. Everything about the clip, from the title, to the women arguing over who wore a suicide vest better, is shocking and has, understandably, attracted…