Women’s Mosque of America: In the Founder’s Own Words

What does the Women’s Mosque of America want to say about or to women in our community?

As a Muslim woman, the single most empowering thing for me was to read the Qur’an front cover to back cover, in English. And not just in English, but to read it with the historical context and the tafseer. I read Muhammad Asad’s translation. As you know, Arabs make up a minority of Muslims, and the majority of Muslims just read or recite the Quran without ever knowing what’s in it.

Someone asked me, when you’ve had so many bad experiences in a mosque, why didn’t you just give up and walk away? And the reason I didn’t was because I’m inspired by the word of God. I know the words of God, because I read them in a language I understand.

Everyone on our board, two men included, agrees that we all need to get the Muslim ummah back to the Quran. Think of the Prophet’s example: he was an orphan in a tribal society, the first Muslims were all freed and runaway slaves, these people were all at the bottom rung of their society. What made them so great? Why were they able to inspire so much change in their societies, change for the better? It’s because they all were in contact with the word of God, they all knew and understood what was being said in the Quran, and they all had the beautiful example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to follow.

So these are the few things we want to revive. We want to re-inspire Muslim women who feel disengaged. We want to say no, there is a place for you in Islam, and it starts with you knowing your book, knowing your rights, and once you have that connection with God, then you can go and spread that strength to the greater Muslim community, and to the greater society.