Watch as Leah V. Challenges Eurocentric Beauty Standards

I talk a lot about the representation of real bodies and faces in the media, especially in beauty advertisements.

I challenge you to open a magazine or check out the Instagram feed of your favorite makeup or beauty line and tell me what you see… Thin white women and, at most, racially ambiguous models.

Fat girls are worthy of feeling beautiful. Black girls are worthy of feeling beautiful. Dark-skinned girls are worthy of feeling beautiful. Muslim girls are worthy of feeling beautiful. So, why aren’t we being represented? Why aren’t we being shown as equal or as beautiful as our lighter skinned counterparts?

To counter these standards, I was glad to work with an all-girl team of students from @ccs_detroit on this inclusive mock beauty ad for @milkmakeup. Our budget was damn near none, but we had the passion to change the narrative of unrealistic beauty standards.

Many times, we talk about change but don’t put in the work. They have to listen if we speak louder.