OITNB Actress Stars in New Show That Hits Close to Home

She stars as the inmate Maritza Ramos in the hit TV series Orange is the New Black and as Lina in Jane the Virgin; now she’s about to star in a show based on the secret tragedies she endured in her childhood.  On her new TV show, she plays a corporate lawyer that takes on pro-bono immigration cases.
Dianne Guerrero, now 30 years old, lost her parents to the outdated immigration system.  They were deported back to Columbia when she was 14.  Her newly published book, titled In a Country We Love: A Family Divided, describes life in a America with undocumented parents; always worrying if today could be the day they get sent back to Columbia.

Constantly in hiding, Guerrero’s parents feared the day that they knew would eventually come.

Guerrero, with both her show and her book, reclaims the narrative for Latinos in the media, portraying them with the right to be American, just as much as anyone else.
In the first two chapters of her book, readers will be informed of the constant struggle and hardship Guerror’s parents went through to make ends meet. Living like second class citizens and constantly in hiding, Guerrero’s parents feared the day that they knew would eventually come.
To this day, she still fights for them to come back and raises awareness that the tragedy she went through at 4 — losing her parents — is not uncommon.
By advocating for an immigration reform, and encouraging citizens to vote in this year’s election, Guerroro is doing everything in her power to ensure what happened to her never happens to anyone else.