Recently, an amazing non-profit organization, Impact Aid, provided some of our staffers keffiyehs in order to promote this day, as well as shed some light on this female run organization developed to uplift single women in the Middle East in need of assistance providing monetary, emotional, and professional sustainability to women in need living in the Middle East. Thank you Lisa Jaradat and Sam Sherif for your contribution. And thank you for empowering women. (Be on the look out for a full interview with Lisa and Sam regarding their amazing organization (Impact Aid) helping to empower women within the next week. Please check out their link above to learn more about the work they do, and how you can donate to their cause.) Hit the flip to see how the MG team rocks their Keffiyehs for #KeffiyehDay. Pictured: Sam Sherif

How Do You Rock Your Keffiyeh on World #KeffiyehDay?

It seems like our calendar keeps filling up with days to commemorate, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably skeptical, thinking they’re just another day for companies to make money off greeting cards and presents. Although this may be true for many of those days, we here at Muslim Girl are taking World Keffiyeh Day (#KeffiyehDay) pretty seriously because the message it sends–and the show of solidarity–is extremely important.

So, what is World Keffiyeh Day, you ask? It’s a global movement to bring awareness and show solidarity with the Palestinian cause and struggle, and was strategically scheduled on May 11th to prepare us for Al Nakba (the day of calamity in 1948) on May 15th.

Initiated by the Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights at Concordia University in Canada, the commemoration has spread globally, and is used to educate the world about the ongoing occupation of Palestine.
Now that we understand what the day is about, you may be wondering what exactly a keffiyeh even is? Depending on what region you hail from in the Middle East, it’s a checkered scarf that is gender neutral that you can see in either red or black. The Palestinian keffiyeh is black and white, and most recently has been a popular fashion piece worn by the general public.

This day allows those who understand the significance the opportunity to shed some light on its significance–so if you’re wearing it as an accessory rather than a statement, now you know. You’re welcome.

Recently, an amazing non-profit organization, Impact Aid, provided some of our staffers keffiyehs in order to promote this day, as well as shed some light on this woman-run organization developed to uplift single women in the Middle East in need of assistance. They provide monetary, emotional, and professional sustainability to women in need living in the Middle East. Thank you, Lisa Jaradat and Sam Sherif for your contribution. And thank you for empowering women.
(Be on the look out for a full interview with Lisa and Sam regarding their amazing organization, Impact Aid, helping to empower women within the next week. Please check out their link above to learn more about the work they do, and how you can donate to their cause.)

“I rock my keffiyeh because I believe it represents cultural unity.”

– Leah V., MG Contributing Blogger

Leah V.

“I rock the keffiyeh  because I speak up for the voices gone unheard.”

– Tahira A., MG Lead WriterTahira

“I rock the keffiyeh because I believe in the revolution, the right of return, the dismantling of illegal settlements, the end of apartheid, and the end of  oppression and occupation – because we are all Palestinian.”

– Maysoon, MG Managing Editor


“I rock the keffiyeh because peace is the only medicine for hate in this world.”

– Marwa, MG Contributing Blogger


“I rock the keffiyeh in solidarity with the nameless and the faceless, the young and the old, who continue to live under occupation.”

-Fatima, MG Contributing Blogger


“I rock the keffiyeh because if not me, who? If not now, when?”

-Eman, MG Contributing Blogger


“I rock the keffiyeh because I believe in justice and equality for all those subjected to injustice and inequality.”

-Sara, MG Contributing Blogger


“I rock the keffiyeh in solidarity against oppression.” 

-Aya, MG Contributing Blogger


Remember, the keffiyeh is more than just a garment. It’s a political statement. It unifies us and empowers us. It says to the world, “We are one with the people of Palestine.” It says, “We stand against injustice. And, it says, “We will never forget.” How do you rock your keffiyeh on World Keffiyeh Day?