Letters From Daughters to Mothers: Words We Can’t Say Aloud

Dear Mama,

I’m sorry if I haven’t turned out the way you wanted me to, but this is me. I’m happy with who I am, and I know I’m not perfect, but I want you to be able to love me even with my flaws. When you compare me to my friends, and point out their qualities that you want me to have, it hurts because I know that they’re not perfect either. But you see them that way, and you want me to be like them.

Am I not good enough? Do you wish I had turned out like they did?

That makes me focus on what I do wrong, what’s wrong with me, and that’s not what I want to be thinking about. I want to be confident, and proud of how I’ve grown. There are other ways to help me better myself, but you don’t have to compare me to other people. I thought mothers were supposed to emphasize the good qualities of their children, because who else will? Not everyone in the world will be so accepting, but I want to know that I’m good enough for you. That’s all.

I love you.