Crisis Safety Manual for Muslim Women


The public shield.

1. Avoid walking by yourself.

This one is a no-brainer. People are less likely to be attacked in crowds and less accessible to be attacked if you’re surrounded with people. Keep your pepper spray close and your girls closer.

2. Stay near crowded places.

Don’t venture out to back streets or through wooden paths if it can be avoided. Make sure the area is well-lit and you have cell phone service.

3. Keep calm.

If you are visibly shaken or worried, it actually makes you a bigger target. Don’t be paranoid and trust your instincts while in public. If you feel in danger, remember to stay in a crowded place and call someone to let them know where you are. Refer to the apps in slide 2.

4. If attacked physically or in danger, yell loudly to attract others to you.

Although speaking in Arabic might land you in more trouble than not speaking, do not stay silent. If you’re attacked, pull out your rape whistle, scream for your mom, anything.
Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to disturb others around you — your safety is more important than anything they might be doing. Calling attention to yourself will make potential attackers run for the hills.

Image: Stock Photo

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