11 Millennial Muslim Women Recall Where They Were on 9/11

Sam’n Iqbal

Age (when it happened): 21
Location (when it happened): New York
Sam'n Iqbal
Memory: I had just graduated from college and was working at a big advertisement agency in midtown. I had gotten to work early that day and saw the planes crash at the exact moment on the company’s big screen.
Everyone was freaking out. We were on a high floor. When the second plane crashed, I was crying. I sat at my desk trying to get in touch with my best friend in California — but the lines were a mess. I kept thinking about how I was just in those building two days prior (over the weekend).

All I saw for days was thick black smoke that turned to gray over time. I was numb for days.

Around noon, they let everyone leave and I was grateful I had my sneakers with me. I changed into them and walked almost 50 blocks to my apartment on the Upper East Side. I saw people at the bars drinking and having a good time, as everyone was let out of work early that day. It was mind boggling.
I had a balcony in my apartment and a straight view down 3rd Avenue to where the buildings were. All I saw for days was thick black smoke that turned to gray over time. I was numb for days.
How it lives with you today: I lived in New York City for many years after 9/11 and never experienced any racism or hate toward me. I wasn’t just a Muslim. I was a New Yorker and felt the same pain everyone else felt. I lost two friends that day. I will never forget.