Here’s How You Can Help End FIBA’s Hijab Ban

The International Basketball Federation, more commonly known as FIBA, is an association of national organizations which governs international competition in basketball.
It’s also an organization whose regulations ban athletes who wear religious headgear, including hijab, from playing basketball professionally. In response to many’s discomfort with the rule, FIBA established a two-year preliminary trial allowing religious headgear. This trial ends this August, when FIBA will decide to lift the ban or not.

It’s also an organization whose regulations ban athletes who wear religious headgear, including hijab, from playing basketball professionally.

Ezdihar Abdulmula is a Libyan British basketball player who has not been silent about this ban. She discovered her passion for basketball at the age of 18, following her selection to play for her university and local team. Abdulmula also wears hijab, and has been directly affected by FIBA’s hijab ban, potentially preventing her from playing the sport she loves professionally.
Consequently, she joined a petition campaign on requesting an extension to the two-year preliminary trial, which will be sent to Horacio Muratore, the current president of FIBA.
This is what Abdulmula has to say:
“I am campaigning for the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) to extend its 2 year preliminary rule of allowing players with religious wear such as hijabs and turbans to play basketball professionally. This 2 year period is coming to an end and FIBA will decide this August 2016 whether to lift this ban or not. With your signatures, you will not only be helping me but other players around the world that are limited by this ban. Significantly, you will also be helping future generations to play whilst practicing their faiths freely. As you may have noticed, there are not many visible Muslim women in sports today due to limits of progression within the sport thus, many young Muslim women do not have someone to look up to or perhaps motivate them. Hence, this campaign is very important for these women and with your help they will become inspired to pursue the sports they love.”
Women and men who cover their heads for religious reasons should be entitled to participate in international sport free from this kind of discriminatory, ridiculous, and arbitrary interference. No athlete should be forced to compromise his/her beliefs or choose between faith and sport. Period.

Women and men who cover their heads for religious reasons should be entitled to participate in international sport free from this kind of discriminatory, ridiculous, and arbitrary interference. No athlete should be forced to compromise his/her beliefs or choose between faith and sport. Period.

Abdulmula started this petition with other Muslim basketball players, and now has over 23,000 supporters. You can read their stories here: Please sign, share and use the #FibaAllowHijab hashtag to make a positive difference today.
Written by Nouha Zaabab