Muslim Girl Joins Forces with 54 Women’s Publications to #RockTheVote

Muslim Girl has joined forces with 54 major women’s publications, including Vogue, Glamour, and Refinery29, to Rock the Vote for this year’s election. How can we do that? We want to register a minimum of 100,000 women to vote before November 8. Let’s start a revolution to ensure that #OurVoteCounts in the 2016 general election and beyond!

Today, millennials are the largest and most diverse generation in America.

We don’t need to remind you how important this election is for our country. The mere fact that you are a Muslim Girl reader tells us that you are too #woke for words. But did you know how crucial your vote is this election? Like, there’s literally a candidate talking about how much he’d love to block more Muslim women from entering the country.
Today, millennials are the largest and most diverse generation in America. It’s young women like you who are making a difference in the world. We can’t let this momentum pass us like we did in the 2012 election, where only 64 percent of eligible women voted, and only 45 percent were millennials.

It’s our narrative – and our story begins with the ability to make choices that are right for us by voting.

Let’s step up our game by making a commitment to Rock the Vote this election — as women, and especially as Muslim women. All we need to do is get ourselves, our family members, and our friends to register to vote and show up at the polls this November 8.
Ultimately, who you choose to vote for is your business, but don’t let someone else dictate who will run your country for the next four years. Remember, your voice matters, and our votes count! Let’s be the driving force behind an inclusive vision for our future.