Hijab Cleaning
YouTube, Jasmine & Dawoud

Hijab Cleaning 101: 3 Ways to Clean Any Type of Hijab

Who didn’t blame hijab cleaning for damaging their favorite hijab? Worse yet, who among us hasn’t tried spot cleaning their hijab before going out, only to end up wetting the entire fabric?

We’ve been so focused on how we can take care of our hair as hijabis that we almost forgot that we need to take care of our hijabs as well.

If you’re anything like me, then you’ll find the tips in this video a total lifesaver!

Watch Jasmine’s video as she taps into the three main methods of cleaning any hijab, from spot cleaning to deep cleaning and washing by hand to machine washing.

Jasmine’s favorite cleaning method is machine washing. What’s yours? Slide in our DMs on Instagram or Twitter and let us know!