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13 Eid Outfit Ideas Straight From Your Favorite Influencers’ Wardrobes

Eid al-Fitr is making its grand comeback, which means our annual Muslim Met Gala extravaganza is here to rise and shine. It’s that magical time of the year when the vast majority of us find ourselves immersed in the digital labyrinth of Google, feverishly scouring the Web for the freshest Eid outfit ideas and inspirations so that we can gauge the ongoing trends in the world of Muslim modesty and its fashion industry.

While it’s true that some among us have had their Eid outfit plans meticulously mapped out since the dawn of January 2024 (yes, I’ve been quietly keeping tabs on all your pre-Eid preparations), most of us are just busy with life, and things that are happening around the world.

But let’s be real and super frank here, can it even be considered Eid if you’re not flaunting fresh threads amongst your nearest and dearest? I mean, if you’re not reveling in the joyous spirit of Eid al-Fitr from its spiritual acts to the fun gatherings, then what on earth are you even up to? Like, what are you even doing? Seriously, what are you doing?

To save you the ample time wasted on endless scrolls and searches, here are 13 Eid outfit ideas straight from the playbook of your favorite fashion influencers!

1. Aysha Harun

2. Yasmine Simone

3. Alexandra Golokova

4. Lamasat Lati

5. Jaserah Asadullah

6. Manal Chinutay

7. Leena Snoubar

8. Dalal AlDoub

9. Omaya Zein

10. Summer Albarcha

11. Basma Kahie

12. Kenza Art

13. Nabiilabee

What are your plans for Eid outfits? And which outfit look(s) do you think you can pull off this year? Share with us on social media platforms! We’d love to see all the glam!

Hi, friends! This is Jummanah, better known as MG's 26-year-old Arab auntie and editor. When off-duty, I set my wholehearted side of mine aside, laugh, practice empathy, and reflect on the essence of life. But listen, if you have an interesting pitch or article in mind, drop an email at editorial@muslimgirl.com or email me directly at jummanah@muslimgirl.com.