7 Simple Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The planet is what we all have in common. It’s what connects us to one another, and its wellbeing affects us all. When it comes to protecting our shared home it takes all of us to act. Environmental sustainability is about the daily choices we each make to protect the planet. If you’re on board, then keep reading. Here are 7 simple tips to help you reduce your carbon footprint.

Knowledge is Power

Like with anything else, environmental sustainability is also about awareness. We have to be aware of how our daily choices impact the health of our planet.

When you know where you’re at, then improving it becomes much easier.

One of the best ways to start is by measuring your ecological footprint. When you know where you’re at, then improving it becomes much easier.

Buy Less. Experience More.

Consuming less is one of the most important ways of reducing your carbon footprint and waste. We’ve created a world where buying has become synonymous with happiness. By choosing to say no to material objects, you allow yourself to experience life more fully.

Better Food Choices

One of the best things you can do for the planet (and your health) is to reduce meat and dairy and opt for more plant-based options. Livestock farming has a huge environmental footprint and “contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. This is more than all emissions from ships, planes, trucks, cars and all other transport put together.”

Rethink your Transportation

It’s important that we think about how we get to places and how they impact the planet. In terms of greenhouse gases, flying is the worst. Next time you book a holiday, think about other options.

It’s important that we think about how we get to places and how they impact the planet. 

But transport isn’t just about holidays. In some ways, we rely on different modes of transport on a daily basis. How do you get to work? Can you use public transport? Can you cycle? Maybe carpool?

Reduce your Waste

Have you ever thought about where your trash ends up? Have you ever thought about the amount of waste you and your household generate? Next time you put your bin outside to be collected, have a good look and see what kinds of waste you produce. Is there anything in there that can be avoided?

Go Plastic Free

Sure, recycling is a good first step. But the truth is, plastic never really breaks down. It really is one of the most toxic ways for packaging food, and often really easy to avoid. A great way of reducing your plastic is by opting for reusable items made out of stainless steel or glass. Say goodbye to single use items like plastic water bottles and disposable coffee cups and invest in reusables.

Buy Ethical & Local

It’s important where you put your money. Supporting ethical and local companies and brands goes a long way. How our products are made, who makes them and how they travel into a shop near us matters. Do your research; know your brands and demand from them to be transparent with their practices. Once their values are aligned with yours, then give them your custom.

The point of all this isn’t to feel limited. Instead, let’s think of how our daily choices can empower us to live a more harmonious life – one that is filled with compassion and experience rather than consumption and waste.