
It’s Time to Take Action on Trump’s Wavering Support

During Donald Trump’s campaign, the promise of a Muslim ban incited a firestorm of reactions, ranging from celebration and fuel for Islamophobia to campaigns advocating everyone registers as Muslim. As time went on and the absurdity of this threat set in, the idea of a ban gradually simmered down to various shades of immigrant vetting or possible Muslim monitoring.

Each of Trump’s cabinet members seems more radical and inappropriate than the last, often being referred to as “letting the fox watch the hen house.” Nominations like Dr. Ben Carson who vehemently opposes homosexuality and Nikki R. Haley, who seems oblivious to the persistent oppression of women make many people question Trump’s choices and the direction of the country. Perhaps James “Mad Dog” Mattis’ nomination made the wavering idea of a Muslim ban seem more tangible, surely rekindling the fears of Muslims across the United States.

More than ever, it is vital to stay in contact with your representatives so they know what their constituents not only want but need.

Most recently, State Department nominee, Rex Tillerson is not saying a full Muslim immigration ban would happen; but he certainly is not excluding the idea of a Muslim registry. Thus far, Cabinet nominees, General John Kelly and Senator Jeff Sessions, have expressed doubt in the ability of a Muslim registry to come to fruition, making it seem the possibility of a registry, let alone a full-on ban of Muslims, improbable.

It is time to take advantage of the newness and uncertainty in this administration. More than ever, it is vital to stay in contact with your representatives, so they know what their constituents not only want but need. Websites like and can help you find out who to contact in your state. Without our voices being heard, the government will run on their own agenda or that of the few that do choose to speak up.