
Did You Know That Guardian Angels Are All Around Us?

Resting my head atop my pillow after making wudu (ablution) and reading Ayat al-Kursi, I know the angels are watching over me, fending off shaytaan and asking Allah (SWT) to forgive me for my sins. I know I am not alone. While Allah (SWT) is aware of my location, he has sent the angels to…

Photo by Monstera on

6 Islamic Responsibilities of Parents

Growing up we all learned about the importance of obeying our parents, whether from our imams at mosques or teachers at Sunday school. We were taught that it is an Islamic obligation to care for them as they age, to speak calmly with them, and to simply follow their instructions. And while it is necessary…


Is Listening to Music Haram?

Nasheeds are a staple in Ramadan as we replace Drake and One Direction with Maher Zain or even Deen Squad. Recently, however, as I scrolled through the comments on Deen Squad’s rendition of God’s Plan, I saw a lot of mixed emotions towards the post. Thus, I wanted to explore the various viewpoints that the…