Photo by Yan Krukau on

10 Halal Dating Tips for Muslim Women

You see someone attractive in your class, or at your friend’s birthday party, and you think to yourself, “How do I approach him without seeming too desperate?” Not to mention, with various opinions on the dangers of dating and the ever-present haram police everywhere, how do you go about approaching this cute guy the halal…

YouTube, The Asad Sisters

Halal Dating: What Does It Even Mean?

Have you been wondering how halal dating works? We’re always torn between wanting to stay halal and not wanting to get married to a total stranger. And if you’ve been raised by strict parents, then chances are going on dates was taboo for you. If anything, you might’ve heard about “halal dating,” but many of…

Actual profit pic of a man wanting to add women on Facebook.

3 Types of Men You Meet on Minder

They say finding a good man in today’s Tinder era is like finding a needle in a haystack. If that’s true, then finding a good Muslim man, in today’s Minder era, is like finding a needle in the Sahara desert — almost impossible.   As a single, observant Black American Muslim woman in her late twenties,…