YouTube, Tazzy Phe

Here’s What’s Wrong With Saying “Muslim Men Are Trash”

The phrase “Men are trash” is everywhere, and Muslim men are subjected to it, too. It’s been uttered by that friend of yours who just got dumped by her ex-favorite person, or even an uneducated non-Muslim that just decided to buy into this narrative. When it comes to the idea of saying that “Muslim men…


Here’s Why We Need to Deconstruct Celebrity-Shaykh Culture

“Come as you are, to Islam as it is.” A call to fellowship and communal religious growth in a culturally relevant safe space. A judgement-free zone where believers can be their most authentic selves. This is the Ta’leef Collective, founded by California-born Islamic scholar Usama Canon. In Arabic, “ta’leef” means “to bring together” or “to…