President Carter: Mistreatment of Women Is the Number One Human Rights Abuse

In a Ted Talks video,  former President Jimmy Carter shines light on an issue that is still prevalent to this day and was constantly brought to his attention as he traveled to various countries during his days in office.

It’s 2017 and violence against women is still an issue that we have to fight. President Carter discusses the severity of the abuse of women by recalling the types of victims he has seen in his travels.

Genital Mutilation

In the early stages of a little girl’s life, a designated person is assigned the task of removing her genitals with a razor blade in an unsanitary environment. In very rare situations, the girl then might be sewn up in that area to limit her in only being able to urinate and menstruate. Later, when she marries, the process repeats itself to allow her to be able to reproduce. Carter insists that this issue is not uncommon and even provides confirming statistics that “91 percent of females in Egypt have been sexually assaulted in this way.”

Honor Killings

Religious texts are often interpreted to conform to one’s own belief – to solidify an act – such as the justification of murder. It’s not just one religion that holds that title of corruption, though.

Members within the family will even go to the extent of taking the responsibility of ending her life them self.

In the video, former President Carter explains that when a girl is born, families often think that if she falls victim to rape, or in other cases she married a man that was not approved by the family, there is dishonor and shame. Members within the family will even go to the extent of taking the responsibility of ending her life them self. According to this video, a study done by the United Nations depicted statistics stating that 75% of these murders are done by the father, the brother, or the sun.

Slavery/ Human Trafficking

Former President Carter informs his audience that there are 30 million people today living in slavery. The State Department is obligated to report update statistics on how many victims are sold into slavery and have discovered it to be 800,000 people every year. 80% of those people are also women.

One out of every four women who enter a university will be sexually assaulted before she graduates.

But that’s not all! He cites his book as he states that one out of every four women who enter a university will be sexually assaulted before she graduates.

Lack of Equal Pay for Equal Work

Women earn 23% less than a men do. Should I go on?

So you get the full picture of what we are talking about here, you have to watch the amazing video. Every word is so important.