How I Lost Nearly 30 Pounds in 3 Months

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not a dietician or certified trainer, but has described a method that worked for her. Every body is different. Before starting a diet plan, it is important to seek the advice of your health practitioner. 

Being overweight is an issue with which many of us have struggled with. I remember constantly reading articles on the web, analyzing different ways of shedding pounds or scanning foods that quickly reduce body fat. I would decide to follow a diet plan or an exercise regime, but would soon realize it was not effective and abandon it instead. I have discovered that the key is to narrow down what techniques work for you since we all function and think differently.

Using a personal method, I lost about 27 pounds in three months and am still counting. Today, I am here to give you some insight into the ways that may make your goal of achieving a healthy weight easier. It is not as difficult as you may think.

Being overweight is an issue with which many of us have struggled with.

1. Check your weight every Sunday morning. Do not check it every day or more frequently than once per week because our weight tends to fluctuate and seeing the number on the scale rise or dip can discourage us or give us false hopes.

2. Record your weekly weight in a journal, along with the date. This is extremely useful because you will feel more accomplished and motivated by seeing how you have improved over time.

3. Do not starve yourself. I obsessively love chocolate and cannot resist it when it is in front of me. Instead of inhibiting your cravings, eat what you desire but in moderate quantities. Eventually, your cravings will become less intense and you will lose the desire to eat that unhealthy food.

4. If overeating is a habit you struggle with, then know you are not alone. I still lost weight while indulging occasionally.

5. Do not eat after 6 p.m., especially if you are someone who does not engage in much physical activity. Try to not go into the kitchen in the evening, because if food is out of your sight, it is out of your mind. If you eat after 6 p.m. and do not exercise, the calories will understandably accumulate.

I have discovered that the key is to narrow down what techniques work for you since we all function and think differently.

6. Eat a healthy, nourishing breakfast, for it is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast is not only necessary for losing weight but it will also improve your mental health and hopefully make your day more productive and enjoyable.

7. Include a banana in your breakfast. Bananas can make you feel full for a long period of time and significantly reduce your cravings. My usual breakfast consists of half-slices of toasted whole wheat bread, a banana, a supplementary fruit, such as watermelon, green tea and lemon water.

8. Exclude any overly fried or unhealthy foods from your diet such as french fries, pizza or any junk food. I understand we all have cravings and those foods taste undeniably delicious. However, understand the impact it will have on your diet plan and if you do decide to indulge yourself, eat in moderate amounts.

9. Sleep early and wake up early. Staying up late inhibits the proper digestion of food and waking up late takes away time from breakfast. Poor sleep may cause laziness and makes us less productive and motivated. Hence, strive to get quality sleep, desirably 6-8 hours.

Using a personal method, I lost about 27 pounds in three months and am still counting. 

10. Practice meditation in the morning. This will help you achieve and strengthen your focus and motivation.

11. Because of a lack of time, I do not work out excessively. However, I do ensure to jump rope for at least 2-3 minutes and plant for at least 30 seconds.

12. Eat natural foods (fruits and vegetables) as much as possible. Your overall quality of life will improve noticeably.

13. Finally, do not simply lose weight to look good for others. Change your motivation. Think of how Allah (SWT) blessed you with a capable body that you should take care of.

Understandably, it is difficult to develop a healthy lifestyle and ditch your unhealthy habits in an effort to achieve a desirable weight. However, the outcome of these efforts is indeed fruitful. Losing weight requires the input of other activities, such as proper sleep and meditation. When you become determined, the quality of your life will improve, and once you see differences in your life and your level of happiness, you will wholeheartedly adhere to your new lifestyle.