
This Is What Killing Muslim Women in the Name of God Looks Like

To every Muslim scholar, to every Muslim preacher, and to every Muslim leader who consented to a Muslim man hitting his wife to “discipline” her, you have Hanan Seid’s blood on your hands! This is on you!

The 26-year-old mother of two was shot to death by her husband, Ahmed Mohamed Abdela on Oct. 23 in Richardson, T.X. Her family said he killed her after she had moved away from him to escape his abuse and violence, according to KDFW-TV (Fox 4). 

I grieve Hanan’s death. I am furious that the misogynistic ideology that drives, perpetuates, and justifies this type of violence in the name of God and Islam persists in our Muslim communities.

Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation in Texas Sheikh Omar Suleiman wrote on Oct. 25 that a week ago, Muslims mocked him for another Friday sermon on domestic violence. The death of three Muslim women within one year on the hands of abusive spouses is apparently a funny subject to many Muslims.



These attitudes that authorize and laugh at the fatal disciplining of women are based on misogynistic interpretations of the Qur’an’s most controversial verse 4:34 — which Muslim feminists and scholars coined as “the hitting verse.”

I am furious that the misogynistic ideology that drives, perpetuates, and justifies this type of violence in the name of God and Islam persists in our Muslim communities.

Some have voluntarily assumed ijtihad, independent intellectual investigation of the Qur’an, and came to conclusions that mirror ideas of terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIS — that violence against women and children is somehow permitted in the name of Islam.


The Conscious Muslim raised the question on social media: domestic violence, does Islam permit it?

He explained on Facebook: “Unfortunately I have seen ‘scholars’ of every ilk suggest it is okay to strike a woman when she transgresses certain boundaries, they then use subjective terms like ‘deserve it,’ etc. — this is abhorrent on every single level imaginable. Islam has a very strict codified set of principles when it comes to violence against any party, the aim is always to resolve things without violence.”

I will wait patiently until the day comes when the One and Only Just Judge will hold you accountable for misusing and abusing His sacred words to justify your sick beating and killing of innocent Muslim women.

I read the details of Hanan’s murder and feared for my Muslim sisters and female friends. I also recalled the countless times I heard that if I don’t respond to my husband’s sexual demands, even if I was exhausted or not in the mood, God’s wrath is upon me. That angels would curse me all night long. That my sheer existence is solely to obey and please my husband, or else I am banned from Paradise. That I was created from a crooked rib. That I am deficient in my faith and intellect; the countless times I felt dehumanized, devalued, and ill-treated in the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and inside His places of worship.

To anyone and everyone who supports this type of twisted religio-cultural violence, I will not forgive you for the killing of Hanan. I will not excuse you for enticing barbarity against Muslim women. I will wait patiently until the day comes when the One and Only Just Judge will hold you accountable for misusing and abusing His sacred words to justify your sick beating and killing of innocent Muslim women.

Islam does not tolerate violence or the killing of people, no matter what their gender, race, or religion is. “Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity” (Qur’an, 5:32).

Tell me something, why didn’t the beloved Prophet Mohammed ﷺ beat his wife Aisha (RA) when a nasty person promoted false rumors about her misconduct with another man, in the commonly known incident of slander? God revealed her innocence in the Qur’an after two months. It took that long for the Prophet ﷺ to bear the pain of doubts and gossip. Did he hurt her? Did he beat her? Did he kill her?


Aisha (RA) reported: “Messenger of Allah ﷺ never hit anything with his hand neither a servant nor a woman” (Muslim).

So if you want to assume the role of religious authority, be like our prophet ﷺ or else go to hell!

Islam does not tolerate violence or the killing of people, no matter what their gender, race, or religion is. “Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed all of humanity” (Qur’an, 5:32).

To every abuser, to every killer, and to every mocker, you have all of humanity’s guilt on your hands. This is on you.