Florida Student Calls out ‘B.S.’ to Politicians and Says ‘Shame on You!’

I wasn’t sure if I could watch another video from anyone regarding the latest school shooting. It’s not because I don’t care. It’s because I care too much. I’m a mother – and I’m mad. I’m mad at people who love their guns. I’m mad at people who think their Second Amendment right is more important than the safety of our people – our children in schools.  I’m mad that my children have to worry about their safety in school. In school!!! I’m mad at the fact that our politicians have made it a priority to accept money from the NRA than looking into stronger policies for gun control. I didn’t want to cry anymore. This is the eighth school shooting this year.

I’m mad that my children have to worry about their safety in school.

But I watched it. And this time I didn’t cry. I was motivated. Motivated to stand up and insist on change. I was motivated because I watched this young lady speak about change. It matters. Time is up. Listen to Emma Gonzalez, a Florida student, who speaks with passion and truth, and I am so proud of her courage to tell it like it is.