
Finding the Right Person for Marriage Doesn’t Happen Overnight

As a 19 year old female, there comes a point in your life when all of a sudden you feel your time is running out. Everywhere you look you see your friends, associates, people you just know, random people on social media, etc. getting into relationships and getting engaged/married and starting families and you can’t help but want to be next.
It’s exhausting.
For so long in my life, I felt a desperate need to be in a relationship and that thought haunted me every day. It led me into a period of sadness and feeling out of place and unworthy.
One thing that myself, and many others, struggle with our entire lives is timing. We have a hard time accepting that things happen on God’s time. I’ll be the first to admit that I am crazy impatient. When I put something in my head, I want it to happen promptly. And here’s where it gets tough: no matter how badly you want something to happen right this minute, it won’t unless God wants it to.

And here’s where it gets tough: no matter how badly you want something to happen right this minute, it won’t unless God wants it to.

We have to learn to be patient. It is a detrimental part of life. Everything that happens to us is a process of change and we always have to await the change – but who likes waiting? We’re human and it is natural to feel impatient, but what makes the believer have more faith is being patient. When we choose to be patient for the sake of God, we become more satisfied knowing that no one else but the Creator is handling everything for us.
I spent such a big part of my life praying that I got married and that I found love all because it was all I saw around me. But let me tell you something, God’s timing is perfect. Nothing ever happens too soon, or too late. Most of us spend so much time questioning why the “right one” hasn’t come yet. There’s no real answer. There isn’t much to say other than it just isn’t time.
Two of my closest friends are in relationships, and as happy as I am for them, sometimes I’m left feeling frustrated. What I know is that I can’t change it because it is not in my destiny to be in a relationship right now.
Listen – I get the want and need and the pressure that comes with getting married but sometimes you have to take a step back and understand that finding ‘the one’ shouldn’t be rushed, and it doesn’t define you as a human being. There’s so much more to life than finding “the one,” and sometimes we can be blinded to that.

Listen – I get the want and need and the pressure that comes with getting married but sometimes you have to take a step back and understand that finding ‘the one’ shouldn’t be rushed, and it doesn’t define you as a human being.

So, this is a reminder to myself and you that in times that we don’t seem to be getting what we want in life, whether it’s a relationship, money, a job, or success, maybe this is God’s way of telling us we still have things we need to work on, that we are still incomplete in what we have to learn – because ultimately, if we are incomplete within ourselves, how can we be complete with an added element?
Be successful, accomplish a few (or all) of your goals, be happy, and then when the time is right, whoever it may be, will come along. Finding the “right partner” in life to accompany you in a beautiful marriage is all about finding someone who knows your worth and loves you – who wants to commit to you, and all these beautiful characteristics take time to come.
I just ask that one day God blesses all of us with the ones that are worthy of us.
As my dad once told me, “Marriage is all up to fate and it shouldn’t be rushed. So do everything the way God wants and He’ll bless you when you’re ready.”