Fashion Brand MOGA Just Created A Meat Headscarf

MOGA, an Australian fashion brand that creates unique, colorful shawls and headscarves, is dedicated to creating modern pieces with a traditional influence. At heart, MOGA isn’t only a fashion brand, but also a social enterprise — 20 percent of their profit goes toward helping young girls attend schools in regions where equal education is sparse.

MOGA caters to a diverse group of individuals


Recently, MOGA launched a campaign that aims to empower women. The “More Than Meat” campaign is a collection of photos that challenge the objectification of women. As the title of the campaign suggests, MOGA hopes to emphasize the fact that women are not just flesh and bones to appraise and then tear into.

This campaign was a response to their realization of demeaning, derogatory and misogynistic comments toward pictures on social media of women advertising their brand.

The campaign aims to empower women as individuals with emotions, hopes, dreams and a right to wear whatever they see fit regardless of society.  To accentuate this point, MOGA has created a turban-style headscarf made entirely out of meat (halal of course).


The meat headscarf is reminiscent of the iconic meat dress worn by Lady Gaga, which also featured bold materials as a challenge for individuals to look past appearances and simply see the human in front of them. This campaign was a response to their realization of demeaning, derogatory and misogynistic comments toward pictures on social media of women advertising their brand.

The comments were not targeted at the product, but instead at the women themselves. The brand commented, “We often choose not to use models, but everyday people in the majority of our photos.” As a response to the comments, the #MoreThanMeat campaign was born.

The problem that MOGA is addressing isn’t a new one. Hateful comments about the appearances of individuals is a constantly growing problem on social media and in the digital world that is gone largely unaddressed. By highlighting this concern in their campaign, the brand is pioneering discourse regarding the issue.