Fact-Checking Sean Spicer: ‘Hitler Never Used Chemical Weapons’

Trigger Warning: Holocaust, Graphic Imagery.


On Tuesday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer stated: “Someone as despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons. You have to ask yourself if you are Russia, is this a country and a regime you want to align yourself with?” To try to fix it, he claimed they did not use it on his own people.

Seriously? No chemical weapons on his own people? News flash: Hitler was German, a study suggests he was of Jewish heritage, and he murdered Jewish Germans using tactics including and not limited to chemicals. Apparently Spicer must have skipped History 101 to buy cinnamon gum when they talked about World War II. I know the internet is a scary place and not all media can be trusted, but I would go as far as saying one could even use Wikipedia as a source for this one.

Since Sean Spicer is likely too busy not choking on the gum he’s swallowing, I took the liberty to do his research for him.

Even my basic public speaking class taught me to have sources before standing in front of my classmates to talk. I would think a man in the position of White House Press Secretary would have this same basic training. If not, I could recommend a stellar Introduction to Public Speaking professor.

Not doing basic research before any press conference, let alone one speaking on behalf of the White House, it is incredibly irresponsible for such ignorance to be uttered. Since Sean Spicer is likely too busy not choking on the gum he’s swallowing, I took the liberty to do his research for him.


These people are headed to a gas chamber in Auschwitz, Germany in 1944. Just like one that Oskar Groening reportedly put “the poison Zyklon B into a panel above a mass ‘shower room'” during his trial for association with 300,000 deaths under the command of Adolf Hitler. In case anyone missed chemistry class, Zyklon B is a crystalline hydrogen cyanide (AKA a chemical) that was used at Auschwitz, Ravensbruck, and Majdanek while carbon monoxide was used in Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.

According to The History Channel, about 250,000 Jews were killed in 5 gas chambers in Sobibor between 1942 and 1943 alone. I know Spicer is skeptical of mainstream media’s coverage, but The History Channel is pretty reputable and would have nothing to gain from spreading lies about Hitler.

Gas chamber in Majdenek
Is this enough proof something horrific took place?

When websites and media are not enough, why not hear the story directly from an eye witness? The New England Holocaust Memorial is one of many places to find the accounts of people with first hand knowledge of what happened under Hitler’s rule. One could even find the harrowing story of Suzanna Braun who not only survived a concentration camp, but walked out of a malfunctioned gas chamber and a lethal injection.

Hitler did not limit his chemical use to just concentration camps. He reportedly used gas on Soviet soldiers in caves and tunnels. When asked about the Hitler’s choice to not use gas in Normandy, Herman Goring says it would have killed the horses they used. Sadly, Hitler would rather protect horses and murder humans, proving there are no redeeming qualities to Hitler and his actions are just as horrendous as Assad.

When a person cannot report basic common knowledge, we have to wonder what else is being falsely reported by him.

For a man with a Master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, I would think Spicer would have some experience with research as well as thinking before he speaks to the public. When a person cannot report basic common knowledge, we have to wonder what else is being falsely reported by him. It is obvious that this blatant disrespect for the White House is a cowardly attempt to get fired.