‘Dear Child’ — Watch Muslim Parents Give Their Kids ‘The Talk’

In this new sentimental video made by the Jubilee Project, several Muslim parents address their children and explain what they need to know about being Muslim in the West.

They discuss the harsh words and treatment they may receive at the hands of ignorant and hateful people, then give their words of advice and support.

‘I want you to see that beyond our minuscule differences, it is our shared humanity that makes us who we are.’

“I want you to be proud of who you are,” one woman advises her child. “And I want you to see that beyond our minuscule differences, it is our shared humanity that makes us who we are.”

Considering that many children now encounter Islamophobia at a young age, it is becoming increasingly important to prepare them for what may lay ahead.

This video brings to light a troubling task that many parents and guardians have to face in the process: explaining to their young ones why so many Muslims are living in fear and uncertainty, and how they should react to the Islamophobia that is prevalent in their society.

We want to hear your stories: Have you had “the talk” with your children or other young Muslims in your life? Was it similar to what is shared in this video?