Style Videos

Accessorizing Your Hijab: The Glasses Edition

Glasses are one of my favorite accessories — especially if I don’t have the time or energy to put on a little eyeliner. There are all kinds of incredible styles that can be worked if you just give them a chance! My favorite glasses are definitely the ClubMaster styled glasses because they just work with my face…

Videos Issues

Pam Geller Wanted Us to Draw Muhammad. So We Did. [VIDEO]

Pam Geller doesn’t know much about Islam or Muslims, that much is clear. What she does know, however, is how to rally the troops to incite racism. From funding Islamophobic bus ads to maximizing offensive Muslim stereotypes, it’s clear that there’s only one thing on her agenda — and that’s hate. In response to the…

Style Videos

Here’s 100 Years of Iran’s Beauty Standards in One Minute

Here’s a video about Iran that doesn’t involve oppression, terrorism or propaganda. This super cute 3 minute episode by Cut Video highlights the evolution of beauty and make-up in Iran over the last 100 years. The historic integration of religion and beauty is breathtaking and eye-opening: Middle Eastern women’s lives don’t stop when you’re not…

Features Videos

This Woman Tackles Iranian Law By Dancing

Throughout history, people have come up with the most creative ways to defy outrageous laws in their countries. There are those that stand in unison, blocking major highways and causing a public fuss. There are those that paint messages on walls, forcing everyone’s attention. There are those that record themselves rebelling, and upload it on…

Style Wellness Lifestyle Videos

You’ve Got Your Bra All Wrong

You read it right. If you’re wearing a bra right now, there’s a high chance you’re wearing the wrong size. In fact, 80% of women wear the wrong size bra. We trust trained professionals in lingerie stores like Victoria’s Secret to find the perfect bra for us, but we always end up going home with…