
The Best Responses to #IStandWithAhmed

The Internet can be a very scary, terrifying, no good place. This is especially true if you’re a minority of any type, and spectacularly true if you’re a Muslim in a post-9/11 world. So when the story of 14-year old Ahmed Mohammed began circulating Tuesday night, it’s safe to say that many of us had already resigned to…


How the Supreme Court Ruled Against Abercrombie and in Favor of a Hijabi

Samantha Elauf, a 23-year-old, headscarf-wearing Muslim woman, has triggered quite the controversial debate surrounding religious freedom and the accountability of employers under civil rights laws. Click here to check out our earlier article for everything you need to know about the details of this case. What not to wear Seventeen-year-old Elauf was refused a sales…


#UnitedforTahera: Islamophobia Reaches New Heights

Planes are scary if you aren’t an engineer or a pilot. They have always made me nervous because I don’t understand the first thing about aerodynamics. But now United Airlines has given Muslims a whole new reason to be afraid of flying. Last week, a Muslim chaplain named Tahera Ahmad took to Facebook to let…