We Have the Ability to Make Strong Changes by Exercising Our Right to Vote

As the most important election of our lifetime comes closer, we all have a common end goal: Don’t let Donald Trump win.
Many Muslim leaders have acknowledged that Islamophobia has spiked, and numerous hate crimes towards Muslim Americans have shaken the community. In the aftermath of New York hate crimes, Ali Najmi, a lawyer in Queens, relates the killings “to the heated rhetoric of the presidential race.”
Now, more than ever, America needs the votes of Muslim Americans. In December, a “One America” campaign was launched in an attempt to increase Muslim voter turnout in the 2016 Presidential Election. Multiple Muslim leaders are being encouraged to get their mosques to go out in vote in November by passing out voter registration forms. As being one of the most targeted groups in America today, it is vital that Muslims get involved in politics and change the course of the upcoming election.
Muslims make up a good amount of America’s population – 3.3 million to be exact. That’s a lot of people. These are voices that need to be heard in November. While every election is important, this election year in particular has raised important concerns due to the nature of the rising anti-Muslim sentiment.
By raising our voices and taking advantage of our freedoms and our right to vote, we can change the course of our future; our children’s future; we can change the broken justice system that is impacting the marginalized in our country; we can impact and help to eliminate discrimination; we can literally change this country. Make sure you register to vote today in order to be a part of this change.