
The Entire Qur’an During Ramadan!?

Ramadan is the month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW); to commemorate this month, Muslims not only fast from sunrise to sunset, but also take advantage of the rewards of this month by attempting to take great strides in their faith. Among the many different personal goals that Muslims may create…


The Story of My Journey to Hijab

What do you think of when I say the word ‘hijab?’ Most people will think of the scarf that a lot of Muslim women wear to cover their hair. But that is not all that there is to it. When I converted, one of the first things I thought about was wether or not to…


The Compilation of the Holy Qur’an

From the Prophet’s lips to our books today It’s important to understand that the Qur’an literarily means ‘recitation’ from the word qira’a; it is basically what was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from Allah (SWT) , memorized by himself and his companions, and kept in an Allah (SWT) –inspired sequence since the beginning of its…


A Convert’s Starter Kit

How do I do this? So, you converted to Islam? Masha’Allah! But what now? I remember when I converted last year, I was a little overwhelmed with all the things I had to learn and I felt like I had to learn everything at once in order to become a good Muslim. I think that…


Beneficial Things to Do While Fasting

Ramadan Kareem! Alhamdulillah! It’s Ramadan! For a lot of us Ramadan falls during the summer holidays which, strangely, makes the fast harder than if we were working or at school. When you are at home, you get bored easily and boredom usually leads me to craving for snacks. So how do you keep yourself busy…


The Miracle of the Holy Qur’an

The Holy Qur’an was compiled piece by piece over a number of years 1400 years ago, by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Companions (RAA) (the first early Muslims.) The Angel Gabriel brought verses of the Qur’an to the Prophet (SAW) , who would memorize them. Afterwards, they was preserved in two ways: A) through…


Ramadan for Converts

So much to learn and so little time! 🙂 For all Muslims around the world, the month of Ramadan is a great month. It is the month in which Allah revealed the Qur’an as a guidance for the whole of mankind, the month during which we find Laylat al-Qadr, the month during which the gates…


The First Revelation

Even before his prophethood, Muhammad (SAW) would seek the peace of isolation in the cave of Hira in Mount An-Nour two miles from Mecca. He would spend his time meditating, occupying his mind in deep contemplation and reflection on all aspects of creation surrounding him. He always wondered about the people of Mecca and how…


The Story of Bayazid Bustami

A long time ago there was a young boy named Bayazid Bustami. He was born in Persia, an ancient land of plains, mountains and poetry. Being the only son of a poor, widowed mother, he was the light of her eyes and she rested all her hopes for the future on him. She dedicated her…


Words of Wisdom from the Holy Qur’an

From the Im a Muslim & Im Proud! Facebook Page. 1. Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, color, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70] 2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33/70] 3. Choose best words to speak and say them in…


Zakah: Purification of the Soul

When I was gardening with my mother in the front yard, planting blooming flowers or slender vines, my hands were getting the worst of it.  The result of our efforts was magnificent – or as magnificent as we could make it – and our hard work paid off.  Each morning we would have an evolving…


Paper in the Islamic Empire

Paper (or in Arabic, waraqa), a material which is used for so many things in our lives, can trace back its origins to over 2000 years ago in China. However, the Islamic Empire was responsible for spreading the use of paper throughout the world and sparked the start of its use in Europe hundreds of…


Work, Assignments, and… Wait, it’s Ramadan?

Are you feeling a little distant this first week of Ramadan?  Do you feel as if you have not accomplished much during the blessed month?  Without doubt, I can assure you that you are not the only one.  Sometimes we have programmed ourselves in the first few days to merely fast and then break it…


The Foundation of Islamic Law and the Conquest of Mecca

Shari’ah, or Islamic law, literally means “a way to the watering place” or “a path to seek felicity and salvation”, and is the laws and regulations meant to govern the lives of every day Muslims as a way to lead a moral and ethical life.1 Since Islam is considered less a religion and more a…


Spreading the Message in Mecca

Muhammad (SAW) began to meditate in the cave of Mount Hira to escape the corruption of Mecca and dwell on the deepest questions of life to which he could not seem to find answers. It is well known that he spent the entire month of Ramadan at this familiar retreat. It was then, in the…