
The Miracle of the Holy Qur’an

The Holy Qur’an was compiled piece by piece over a number of years 1400 years ago, by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his Companions (RAA) (the first early Muslims.) The Angel Gabriel brought verses of the Qur’an to the Prophet (SAW) , who would memorize them. Afterwards, they was preserved in two ways: A) through…


The Meccans’ Treatment of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started acknowledging and preaching Islam, the natives of Mecca got aggravated. At that time, Meccans were ignorant and backwards, worshiping idols and reluctant to hear the message of Islam. The natives of Mecca held prejudiced beliefs against the Prophet (SAW) and insisted on ridding Mecca of him. They would alienate and…


The Prophet’s Reaction to the Revelation

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a divine figure (Angel Gabriel) who delivered him his first revelation. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) slowly repeated the verses to Angel Gabriel and at once, the Angel was gone. Hardly comprehending what had happened to him, the Prophet (SAW) rushed back to his wife Khadijah…


The First Revelation

Even before his prophethood, Muhammad (SAW) would seek the peace of isolation in the cave of Hira in Mount An-Nour two miles from Mecca. He would spend his time meditating, occupying his mind in deep contemplation and reflection on all aspects of creation surrounding him. He always wondered about the people of Mecca and how…