Style Wellness Lifestyle Videos

You’ve Got Your Bra All Wrong

You read it right. If you’re wearing a bra right now, there’s a high chance you’re wearing the wrong size. In fact, 80% of women wear the wrong size bra. We trust trained professionals in lingerie stores like Victoria’s Secret to find the perfect bra for us, but we always end up going home with…


Product Review: Asal Natural Beauty Products

With brands like LUSH on the rise in the natural cosmetics and skincare industry, I was intrigued about this new company, Asal, that claims to be absolutely organic in all of their products. According to the company, Asal — the Farsi word for honey — is “rooted in the belief that nature is our best…

Lifestyle Wellness

Hijab Doesn’t Protect Against Eating Disorders

“I’m on a diet.” How many times have we heard that statement from another woman or even said it ourselves on occasion? This seemingly harmless statement can have serious repercussions in some cases. Eating disorders have become very common over the last decade and Muslim women are not immune. A study at UCLA found that…


Candy Bars, the Hijab, and Empowerment

“A man asked a Muslim man: Why do your women cover their bodies and their hair? The Muslim man smiled and took two sweets, he opened one and kept the other closed. He threw them both on the dirty floor and then asked: If I asked you to take one of the sweets, which one…


Treating Hijab Hair

A common struggle most Muslim girls face is keeping their hair healthy and in great condition despite it being covered. Many people tend to assume that hijabis don’t pay as much attention to their hair as other women do. But the fact of the matter is that we do get to flaunt our hair every…


Losing Weight Through Islam

The Qur’an is truly the perfect book. Not only is it written so beautifully that it’s incomparable by any other book of religion, but it also has… weight loss tips? Didn’t see that coming, did you? :heh: It seems unfair how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose it….


Hijab? It Protects the Valuable

When I first started wearing hijab full-time, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I constantly wondered why we had to wear hijab in the first place – after all, I would think to myself, it’s just hair. Wouldn’t it have been more prudent (astughfirullah) to command women to cover their faces, instead? I…