
I’m Muslim, but I’m Not the Poster Child for Islam

All Photos By Clos Productions   I blog from the heart. I don’t have 10 blog posts in the queue or any idea of what I’ll say prior to writing. I basically blog about anything that pops into my head at the moment: an idea, a pattern, controversy, or clichés. A very disorganized blogger to say…


The Importance of Interfaith Understanding Among Muslims

When people hear the words “interfaith dialogue,” they often have thoughts of singing “kumbaya” around a campfire and fluffy conversations with people you don’t even agree with. But in reality, it is so much more. With Islamophobia casting its ever-luring shadow into almost every part of Muslim lives today, interfaith understanding could not be more…


Why Are We Still Waiting for Plus Size Hijabi Fashionistas?

There’s no other way to say this — Dina Tokio/Torkia is a don. That is, if The Godfather told the story of hijabi fashion, she would be Marlon Brando, sitting and stroking Choji, while hopeful hijabis flock to her, tentatively asking for favors. This, I’m sure, is as far as the similarities go but still, of…


True Islam Empowers Women, Not Exploits Them

Written by Hina Latif History demonstrates the extreme forms of cruelty and exploitation that women and girls have been subjected to, solely because of their gender. In ancient Arabia, women were treated as property, and female offspring were buried alive. This practice was common, and accompanied by the unequal treatment of women and girls embedded within Arabia’s…


My Mom is Racist

The doorbell rings. It’s late in the afternoon and my mother is washing the dishes while the rhythmic sound of our doorbell echoes. She tenses a bit. I ask her, “Mami, why don’t you see who it is?” I’m confused. Why won’t she get the door? “Don’t open it. It’s a Black man. He looks scary.” She…


Is Representation Really That Important?

Written by Areej Khan   In the sixth grade, when asked to share what our favorite book was in order to give the rest of the class reading suggestions, I proudly announced to the whole class the title: “Does My Head Look Big In This?” by Randa Abdel-Fattah. Our school librarian just stood there and…


Where Is the Religious Guidance of Today’s Youth Coming From?

Adolescence and young adulthood have always been difficult times to navigate in a person’s life. Many of these difficulties are universal and timeless. However, today’s Muslim youth are also facing a unique and unprecedented set of influences and challenges; these factors greatly impact the way their religious identity is developed. Here are some of the…