
How Adulthood Changed Me Into an Introvert

What I have discovered in my 35 years of life is that you don’t have to be born an introvert. Yes, I was always a little on the shy side, but I longed to come out of my shell and have a personality that filled the room. I wanted attention and positive feedback as a…


How to Overcome Feelings of Shame

Have shame — the more shame you experience, the less likely you are to sin. Shame will stop you from sinning, because nobody wants to experience that feeling. A person without shame will destroy their lives. In some ways, those messages are accurate. Shame is a horrible feeling; it shows up as a pit in…


This Is Why I Don’t Need to Be Less Sensitive

When I was a little girl, I was dubbed sensitive. I’d get upset when I was teased, and I was incredibly soft spoken. In those days, I was painfully shy and timid; the kind of child who’d stay away from sports because I wasn’t good at them, and stay away from other children because I…


5 Ways to Make Change Less Stressful

Change. A word that doesn’t settle well with me at all. Even as a child, I was never good with change. I always had to be mentally prepared for every little thing. Five more minutes of playing with blocks before moving on to painting! That was what I needed. Stability was something that I yearned…


How a Quote From the Qur’an Affected My PTSD

Disclaimer: This article is in no way meant to substitute for medical or mental health advice from a trained and educated mental health professional. Muslim Girl encourages those who need help to seek it, and encourages the use of resources such as therapists, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and trained mental health professionals. You should never try…


How Do You Untangle the Web of Shame?

Author’s note: Shame work can be complicated and is often not attached to our own mistakes, but the errors of others, especially if the legacy of trauma or avoidance has been passed from generation to generation. In the event that you are struggling with understanding how and why it arises in your life, or you…


Read My Lips: Ugly Doesn’t Exist

It’s so hard to believe that our imperfections are in fact normal and common. It’s hard to accept that the “flaws” aren’t real, and that ugly doesn’t exist. Society, media, and beauty industries have influenced us all our lives. We have grown to give into the lies that stretch marks need to disappear; that pimples…


10 Daily Affirmations for a Healthy Mindset

I remember zoning out in my 10th grade classroom, as all good students do, when my eye fell upon this poster, with a quote written in bright yellow letters, making it almost impossible to ignore: “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…


Do You Know How to Tackle Your Trauma?

With the incredible suffering Muslims are experiencing due to globally sky-rocketing cases of Islamophobia, it wouldn’t be surprising if most Muslims were feeling a pretty high degree of trauma right now. As some may be aware, trauma-informed care is a buzzword in mental health. People drop it in conversation all the time. The buzzword gained…


The Top 10 Things That Made Us Laugh This Week

The world may seem like a dumpster fire right now, but here are 10 things that made us LOL this week.  Enjoy!   1. Just like that, khalas!   2. Sassy voting memes, courtesy of sassy #MuslimTwitter.   3. The heartbreak is *so* real.   4. Dumb metaphor takedowns, BOO YA!   5. Life lessons,…


7 Ways to Step Up Your Self-Love

We are all pretty familiar with the term “self-love.” It’s flung around a lot these days, and more so when we’re feeling ourselves. However, self-love is more than just external confidence; it is something that must be instilled deeply within us. It is possible to be confident but have a deep lack of self-esteem, and that…


Why Autumn Inspires Me to Live My Best Life

Autumn is the season of letting go — yeah, yeah leaves fall off trees — we get it. The thing is, it’s the earth, its nature, that gives us this analogy. Look how the earth comforts us with the vibrancy of warm colours, the trees stripping down to the core, exposing their vulnerability.  The crisp air that clears our head with…