
Your Guide to Dealing With Toxic In-Laws

Because in-laws can be a challenge, we’ve rounded up a compilation of hadiths and ayat that can help Muslims figure out what they should do from an Islamic perspective when they have a family member that harms them or abuses them. In this particular article, we’ll focus on toxic in-laws and what Islam says about…

Pexels / Thirdman

The Path to Inner Peace Is Through the Remembrance of Allah

Our Islam is a religion of peace, and those who submit to its teachings are said to find peace through that submission. And yet, statistics show that depression and anxiety in Muslim-majority countries are on par with the average levels found in the rest of the world. Why is it that we do not seem…

Pexels / Ramatou Diallo

5 Ways to Keep Praying When You’re Burnt Out

Feeling too burnt out and frustrated to pray? I can bet almost all Muslims have come to a point in their lives when they have felt unmotivated to do their acts of worship and still can’t simply live without guilt haunting them. Ramadan has passed, and without the strong spiritual aura of the holy month,…

Pexels / Mikhail Nilov

Didn’t Maximize Ramadan? Here’s How To Move Forward

As the familiar enlightening rhythm of the Takbir echoed on televisions during the final night of Ramadan, you realised you finally reached the end of your spiritually illuminating journey. Everyone is delighted to open up a new chapter the next day, but somehow you feel that there’s a missing piece that tells you that you’re not…

Pexels / cottonbro

This Is How Imam Al-Ghazali Saved Me

If you are lucky, at some point in your life, a tear will appear on the edges of your world. And if you are brave enough to pick at the tear, you will be given a glimpse into the great unknown, where angels, demons, hope, and darkness exist — not as delusional of one’s imagination…

Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

5 Ways to Maintain Habits You Developed in Ramadan

Ramadan is a month of blessings and once it’s over that does not mean the charitable acts we do or the goodness of the month also have to come to an end. Pop psychology says that it takes about three weeks to develop a habit, although research shows that actually vary from person to person…

Unsplash / Brett Ritchie

13 Scientific Discoveries Mentioned in the Quran

Aside from our Holy Quran serving us as a moral and spiritual guide, with advice, commands, stories, and lessons, it also consists of historical and scientific discoveries. Such information was sent down from Allah and compiled into the Quran way before it was even discovered and confirmed to be a fact through scientific research! Some…

Pexels / Mirza Farhan

A Guide to Centering Women’s Voices in Worship

The first few encounters I had with the practices of Islam were when I was about 10 years old. My brothers and I would follow my father’s friends and his wife and daughters to the prayer ground for Eid prayers, and even though I had no idea how to pray, I always enjoyed going. I…

Pexels, Naim Benjelloun

4 Tips to Maximise Staying Fit & Active While Fasting

We’re just a day away from the most blessed month of the year. And it’s around this time that everyone begins worrying about their health, questioning how they’re going to boost staying fit and active while fasting when all the progress will eventually vanish with constant inundation of delicious food. To others, this may seem…

Pinterest, @ryraaid

Daughters are a Gift: How Islam Elevates the Status of Girls

Allah created human beings as men and women out of His wisdom and knowledge. And so out of His knowledge and wisdom again, Allah can give you a daughter only, He can give you a son only, and He can give you both. So, don’t ever abandon your child. Allah indicates: “He gives daughters to whom…

Pinterest, @ibadahlondon

“Allah Is an Odd Number”: What It (Actually) Means

Over the years as I have gone to break my fast, I have always known to take an odd number of dates. Why? Because Allah is an odd number, I was told.  And over the years, the mystery has grown for me. I wondered what odd number?  I assumed it was profoundly complicated, like an imaginary…

Instagram, @lovelyboydesigns

How Islam Advocated For Slow Living Before It Was Trendy

If you’ve been following the latest lifestyle trends, then most probably you’ve come across the concept of “slow living,” and how people are starting to leave out all the hustle and bustle so that they can focus on the few things that truly matter to them. Hustle culture has been the norm of this generation,…

Pinterest, @SICARIO

How to Avoid Spiritual Bypassing During Grief-Filled Holidays

Holidays oftentimes mean you’re going to have many gatherings, whether they’re with your family or friends — and if you’re someone who’s trying to manage your grief, the holiday season can sound like a nightmare.  Many Muslims in our community tend to suppress their grief during social gatherings, and start engaging in spiritual bypassing so…

Unsplash, Sincerely Media

5 Heartfelt Duas to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving

It’s true that as Muslims, we don’t wait for Thanksgiving to be grateful, as our Lord tells us to always be thankful and grateful — and thus we’re always doing our best to show our gratitude all year round through our duas.  However, on Thanksgiving, it’s like it brings the best in everyone around us,…