First Bannon, Now Trump Appoints Conspiracy Theorist to Homeland Security

Inhale, exhale, allow yourself to frustration-cry a little, and then prepare to organize 10 times harder.

President-elect Donald Trump’s official site quietly announced today that it has appointed Islamophobe Katharine Gorka, who once declared that one of her biggest problems with the Obama Administration was that it refused to acknowledge “Global jihadism” and that Islam should not be called a “religion of peace” to its transition team for the Department of Homeland Security. Gorka is the co-founder and current President of the Council on Global Security, one of the many conspiracy-promoting and hate-agitating groups out there today that disguises itself as a think tank.

Along with running a blatantly racist organization, Gorka is also a contributor for Breitbart, an “alt-right” [read: openly white supremacist] news site formerly run by Trump’s (also blatantly racist) Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Steve Bannon. Gorka is a prolific writer, however, and the paper trail doesn’t end there, because—surprise!—she somehow managed to find a publication full of more drivel than Breitbart.

Gorka is the co-founder and current President of the Council on Global Security, one of the many conspiracy-promoting and hate-agitating groups out there today that disguises itself as a think tank.

In an article for the online equivalent of a fraying dishrag, Family Security Matters, Gorka champions legislation introduced by renowned conspiracy theorist and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) that sought to brand the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Gorka takes the insanity one step further, denouncing the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) as one of the Brotherhood’s “front groups,” and calling on the government to impose sanctions against it.

Hey, we never said prolific meant coherent, honest, or in any remote way good.

We’d be laughing at the absurdity if it weren’t going to have so many real, tangible consequences. Keep protesting, and make du’a—may Allah restore actual common sense in our country’s leadership soon, inshAllah.