trump 59,131,346

What Hurts Most About Trump Is His 59-Million-Strong Following

I’m not surprised that people like Donald Trump exist — and however ridiculously disastrous and criminal it is that he is now President Elect of the United States of America, like it really does suck.

What hurts the most is the popular vote — the 59,131,346 votes (and counting). That’s 47.5% of Americans who agree and support his bigotry.

The 59,131,346 who support his hate.

The 59,131,346 who support his sexism.

The 59,131,346 who support his lies.

The 59,131,346 who support his white supremacy/privilege.

The 59,131,346 who condemn me because I am Muslim.

The 59,131,346 who discriminate against me because I am Black/Brown.

The 59,131,346 who target me because I am a woman.

The 59,131,346 who attack me because I wear hijab.

That is what hurts. That is what’s dangerous. That is what makes me look over my shoulder as I walk to my car or to work or the grocery store. Those 59,131,346 are what make me call my family to make sure they are safe. What keeps me awake because what if they aren’t?

Those 59,131,346 are what make me call my family to make sure they are safe. What keeps me awake because what if they aren’t?

This intense and deep-rooted hatred is only becoming more apparent. Just in case you weren’t sure of the prominence and power of that hatred and ignorance: Ladies and gentlemen, the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

With that said, I seek comfort in knowing that Allah alone is sufficient for us and He is the best of planners.

Even with all the suck, the fight is not over and this cannot be the world we live in or the one that our children inherit. Roll up your sleeves, there is work to be done. However hurt and wounded we are, we still rise.