Image Credit: Flickr, User-- DonkeyHotey

Donald Trump Confuses 9/11 for 7-11

Donald Trump made an embarrassing blunder this past Monday at a rally in Buffalo, NY, when he called 9/11, a day that transformed the political landscape of the entire world, 7-11, the slurpee-toting convenience store.

Dude...what ARE you saying?
Dude…what ARE you saying?  We damn sure don’t know, cause YOU don’t even know.

“It’s very close to my heart because I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down, and I saw the greatest people I’ve ever seen in action.”
The controversial candidate later went on to win the New York primaries by over half, at 60.5%.  Despite his overwhelming win, there are many in the state that find his candidacy nothing less than terrifying.  (Like us.)

It's definitely a sad day for New what have you guys even done?! For being the city that never sleeps, your voters sure are far from woke.
It’s definitely a sad day for New York…like what have you guys even done?! For being the city that never sleeps, your voters sure are far from woke.

The 7-11, 9/11 debacle may have been a humorous slip of the tongue, but the intentionally racist and Islamophobic sentiments he invokes at every given opportunity are far from comical.
From calling Mexican immigrants criminals and racists, to blaming “blacks and hispanics” for violent crimes across the country, to advocating for a “total and complete” banning of Muslims entering the US, the pugnacious and temperamental Republican candidate appears to have an endless inventory of hateful remarks on cue.
Needless to say, 7-11 slurpees might taste a little bitter from now on, and we may never listen to Beyonce again.  We’re totally waiting for Beyonce to drop a Jay Z assisted diss track.  (No seriously, Beyonce, Jay, if y’all are reading this, make this happen.  Seriously.)